Friday, November 8, 2013

Lucy Nichole

October 29th 2012 I gave birth to the most beautiful baby girl and was about to do the HARDEST thing I have done and will ever do.  I wont go into all my feelings that day and the whole 9 months I was pregnant with her, but what a crazy year it has been.  This last year has gone by fast and slow all at the same time.

Evan and Heather had a birthday party for Lucy a few weeks before her birthday because Heather was pregnant and was due on Lucy's birthday.  CRAZY I know.....  Her party was so much fun and I am so  glad we were invited!  Thank you for including us on her special day!! :)  Heather gave me a CD with all of Lucy's 1 year pictures.  It is something I will treasure forever and it meant so much to me!  She just keeps getting cuter and I am so glad I get to watch her grow!

Lucy,  I want you to know how much I love you!  I did what I did because of how much I love and care about you!  You have AMAZING parents and are loved by so many!!  I couldn't have found better parents to raise you.  You have an adorable little sister that I hope you become best friends with.  Not a day goes by that I don't think about you and pray for you.  I hope you always know how many people love you and that you were supposed to be in the Pack family! I can't believe that you are already 1!  Happy Birthday cute girl!!! I love you SO much!!

Love, Your Shay! :)

Devon and Graci

We have had a lot of weddings this year.  I never thought I would get married in the same year as my sister because we are 3 1/2 years apart, but her and Devon got married August 12, 2013.  It was an amazing wedding.  Her colors were all neutral colors like white, cream, and tan then she had different colors of flowers.  Her reception was on August 10th which was a Saturday and it was in the Galland's back yard.  They have an amazing back yard and the weather was perfect.  She got married on Monday early in the morning in the Salt Lake Temple, and after the sealing we ate in the Joseph Smith Memorial Building.  It all turned out perfect and they are perfect for each other.  We love Devon and the whole Galland family and we are so glad he is apart of our family.  I am so happy for my sister and glad she found such a great guy to spend eternity with!

Friday, May 10, 2013

My Birthday!

On May 6th I turned 22... CRAZY!  Todd went to work early and I got to sleep in which is my favorite thing to do! Todd got off work early so he was home around 1 which made my day!  I took sometime to think back about everything that has happened in the last year... As most of you know I have gone through a lot recently.  I was talking to a friend of mine and she said " How many people do you know that have 1. Been in a bad marriage.  2. Got a divorce.  3. Got pregnant.  4. Met an AMAZING guy who was your biggest support system throughout your whole pregnancy.  5. Placed a baby for adoption.   6. Turned your whole life around and got married in the temple.  All in a little over a year!!"  It is so crazy what can happen in a year and how much your life can change. Even though I have been through some extremely hard times I am so grateful for all the challenges in my life and everything I went to because it brought me an amazing husband!!

Anyway back to my birthday...

When Todd got home from work he had some presents for me.  He got me the Despicable Me Unicorn that says "It's so FLUFFY!" and it also has Agnes singing the song she sings in the movie.  I am obsessed with that movie so it was the perfect gift.  He also brought me flowers and a cute card.  He got me something else but can't give it to me till later so I will write about that when I get it!  That night we went to dinner with my family and got ice cream.  My sister got me a cute gold necklace with an S on it and she is also doing an eyelash fill for free!  My mom has been helping me with my house and bought some stuff at IKEA for me so that was my birthday present from her and my dad of course handed me $100 on my birthday just cause he is real great! :)
We also went to Todd's softball game and he got hurt... it was sad!  Then we met my Mother In-law at work and she gave me $100 Visa Gift Card to spend on whatever I want! I am blessed with an amazing mother in-law!!
On May 9th I spent the day with my mom and sister.  We went to IKEA and then met my dad in Park City and had lunch with him.  It was fun to spend the day with all of them since it doesn't happen very often.

I had a great birthday!! Thanks to everyone who made it so special, especially my wonderful Husband! I love you! :)

I also got this cute Birthday picture from my favorite little girl Lucy!! It made my day! :)

Monday, May 6, 2013

Todd's Birthday!! :)

Todd's birthday is April 21 and he turned 24 years old!!!
My parents gave Todd the option to have a free trip to ST George for his birthday.  There was going to be a lot of golfing involved so Todd decided to go.  Since my family is so last minute we found out we were going Thursday night and left Friday afternoon.
Right when we arrived we met my family at the golf course, (not surprising) I dropped Todd off and picked my mom up.  While they were golfing my mom and I went shopping at our favorite store (TJ Maxx.) For dinner we met the boys at a little cafe, we got ice cream after, and went back to our hotel.
Saturday they went golfing again from 11-6.  My mom and I went shopping again and we met up with them for dinner at The Painted Pony.  After dinner we went to the Temple and made it just in time for the last sealing session.  It was a fun experience because it was my first time doing a sealing besides my own.  It was awesome being in there with Todd and my parents.  The ST George Temple is beautiful!!!
Sunday we went to sacrament meeting then headed home.  It was such a fun trip! Todd got to do what he loves most which is golfing and I got to go shopping and spend time with my mom!  Thanks mom and dad for the fun trip and for the amazing birthday present for Todd!!!

We made it home just in time for a get together at my Grandparents house for Todd.  We ate dinner, hung out with family, sang Happy Birthday, and ate cake!  We always love an excuse to hang out with family!! It was a great night!

I gave Todd the option of opening the presents I got him Thursday night before we left or Sunday night when we got back.  He obviously wanted to open them before we left!

I got him.....
- A TV for our room
- A Blue Ray player for DVD's and Netflix
- A Tie
- A Switch Belt (It's a belt golfer's wear)
- 2 pairs of shoes even though he has WAY too many!
- A hat even though he has too many of those as well
- Lego's (yes he is still a kid) :)
- A picture frame with pictures of us for his desk at work
- A Jordan shirt and Jordan socks

Yes I LOVE to spoil him!!!

Happy Birthday Todd!!

I am so lucky you are mine!! You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I don't know where I would be with out you!!! You make me the happiest I have ever been!! I can't thank you enough for all you have done and still do for me!!  I fall more and more in love with you everyday!!!  I am so blessed I get to have you for ETERNITY!! I hope this birthday was the best ever!! I love you SO much!! :)

I am sad I didn't get more pictures of his birthday, but here are the ones I have!

Saturday, April 6, 2013


We flew to Florida on March 21 and stayed in a hotel that night.  The next day we were able to check into our timeshare.  We stayed in a really nice place that had about 3 or 4 pools.  Unfortunately it was super cold/ windy the WHOLE time we were there! We went to Disney World (which we got rained out), Epcot, and Hollywood Studios.  We also visited Todd's Mission President and his wife while we were there.  We also had dinner with some people from Todd's mission.  We tried to go to the beach but it was too windy so we went shopping instead.  We did a TON of shopping while we were there and spent WAY TOO much money! On the last day our plane didn't leave until 6 PM and we had to be checked out at 10 AM.  To kill sometime we went to Ripley's Believe It Or Not Museum and we also went mini golfing and I got to hold a Gator. Besides the cold we had fun and it was good to get away! :)

Wedding Day!

Todd and I got married on March 20, 2013 in the Salt Lake City Temple.  We had done the open house the night before so all we had left was the sealing.  It was a pretty relaxing day because our sealing wasn't until 2:20.  On the car ride to the temple I remember being extremely nervous because I didn't know what to expect.  During our sealing my dad started to cry which made everyone else cry! It was an amazing experience and we had SO many people there to support us!  Thank you to everyone who was inside and outside the temple.  We are so grateful for all the love and support we felt on our special day.  It was the best day of my life!!

After the sealing and pictures we got pizza with Tina, Toy, TJ, Brad, and Tira.  Then we checked into our hotel.  That night we stayed at the anniversary inn in the Jungle Room.  We flew out to Florida the next day for our honeymoon! :)

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Open House

March 19, 2013

Instead of having a reception we had an open house the night before our wedding.  Our theme was peacock colors which were blues, purples, and greens.  We had it in a church gym by Todd's house.  When you walked in there was a gift table, a place to put cards (which was a bird cage), and a guest book which was a 24X36 inch picture that had two peacocks and the guests signed their names in the peacock feathers.  We had 8 tables.  4 of them had fish as center pieces and the other 4 had vases with feathers in them.  We had a food table with cookies, hot chocolate, and cupcakes.  We also had a video slideshow of us playing with music playing in the background.  The open house was from 7-9 and we had a lot more guests than expected.  We got a lot of gifts, gift cards, and money.  We had lots of great help from both sides of the family, the Creps, Nina Jorgensen, and Bailey Mcdonald.  We can't thank you all enough for what you did.  It was very laid back and it turned out to be an amazing night!