Monday, May 6, 2013

Todd's Birthday!! :)

Todd's birthday is April 21 and he turned 24 years old!!!
My parents gave Todd the option to have a free trip to ST George for his birthday.  There was going to be a lot of golfing involved so Todd decided to go.  Since my family is so last minute we found out we were going Thursday night and left Friday afternoon.
Right when we arrived we met my family at the golf course, (not surprising) I dropped Todd off and picked my mom up.  While they were golfing my mom and I went shopping at our favorite store (TJ Maxx.) For dinner we met the boys at a little cafe, we got ice cream after, and went back to our hotel.
Saturday they went golfing again from 11-6.  My mom and I went shopping again and we met up with them for dinner at The Painted Pony.  After dinner we went to the Temple and made it just in time for the last sealing session.  It was a fun experience because it was my first time doing a sealing besides my own.  It was awesome being in there with Todd and my parents.  The ST George Temple is beautiful!!!
Sunday we went to sacrament meeting then headed home.  It was such a fun trip! Todd got to do what he loves most which is golfing and I got to go shopping and spend time with my mom!  Thanks mom and dad for the fun trip and for the amazing birthday present for Todd!!!

We made it home just in time for a get together at my Grandparents house for Todd.  We ate dinner, hung out with family, sang Happy Birthday, and ate cake!  We always love an excuse to hang out with family!! It was a great night!

I gave Todd the option of opening the presents I got him Thursday night before we left or Sunday night when we got back.  He obviously wanted to open them before we left!

I got him.....
- A TV for our room
- A Blue Ray player for DVD's and Netflix
- A Tie
- A Switch Belt (It's a belt golfer's wear)
- 2 pairs of shoes even though he has WAY too many!
- A hat even though he has too many of those as well
- Lego's (yes he is still a kid) :)
- A picture frame with pictures of us for his desk at work
- A Jordan shirt and Jordan socks

Yes I LOVE to spoil him!!!

Happy Birthday Todd!!

I am so lucky you are mine!! You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I don't know where I would be with out you!!! You make me the happiest I have ever been!! I can't thank you enough for all you have done and still do for me!!  I fall more and more in love with you everyday!!!  I am so blessed I get to have you for ETERNITY!! I hope this birthday was the best ever!! I love you SO much!! :)

I am sad I didn't get more pictures of his birthday, but here are the ones I have!

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