Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Baby Shower's

I had three showers thrown for me and I knew our baby girl was so loved already!

The first one was thrown by my Co-workers and we had so much fun!  I loved the people I worked with!!  My boss made a cute cake with her name on it, I got the cutest little outfits, and we all guessed  her weight, length, and the day she will be born.

Shower #1: 

The second one was thrown by my friends and it turned out SO cute!!  I have the greatest friends!  They had popcorn because the theme was "Shaleigh is about to pop," we played a few games, and guessed what day she was going to be born.  I got a variety of presents at this shower.  It was a blast, thanks again for throwing it for me!

Shower #2

Cute invite from Treesa

And cute decorations from Bailey that I got to take home and now they are in Cora's room!

Shower number three was thrown by the Hewlett family and we had the Hewlett's and Fish's both come.  My cousin Jessica had it at her house in Salem, we had yummy food, and sat and talked all night!  I love getting together with my family.  We always have a good time!  Thanks again for the wonderful shower and all the work you did!!  Cora is SO loved!

Shower #3

Pregnancy #2

I am REALLY bad at this blogging stuff and am WAYYY behind, but it is because I have been trying to adjust to being a mom.

Todd and I always knew we wanted to start our family right away since I placed my first baby, but we didn't want a honeymoon baby!  Well I got pregnant on our honeymoon and then miscarried in May 2013.  I was only 6-8 weeks along and I wasn't quite ready to have a baby, but it was the second hardest thing I have had to go through.  After the miscarriage I wanted my own baby SO bad, but I had to wait a few months before I could start trying again.  We started trying in September 2013 and in October I found out I was pregnant (I can blink and be pregnant apparently.)  We were SO excited but scared at the same time because we didn't want to miscarry again, so I called my OBGYN and asked them to do an ultrasound right away.   Our first ultrasound didn't go so well because I wasn't very far along so they couldn't see anything...... We found out later I was only 2-3 weeks when I found out!  It was going to be a long pregnancy and I was dying!!  They sent me over to the lab to do some blood work and make sure my numbers were good and they followed up to make sure my numbers were going up, which means its a healthy pregnancy.  Everything went well and at 8 weeks we got to see our little peanut!  The due date was August 1st 2014!

Todd and I both felt like we were going to have a little girl so when the 20 week ultrasound came we weren't surprised when she said "do you see how there is nothing between her legs?.... It's a GIRL!"  We were thrilled and I couldn't wait to get her in our arms!

Here are a few of the ultrasound pictures: