Friday, November 8, 2013

Lucy Nichole

October 29th 2012 I gave birth to the most beautiful baby girl and was about to do the HARDEST thing I have done and will ever do.  I wont go into all my feelings that day and the whole 9 months I was pregnant with her, but what a crazy year it has been.  This last year has gone by fast and slow all at the same time.

Evan and Heather had a birthday party for Lucy a few weeks before her birthday because Heather was pregnant and was due on Lucy's birthday.  CRAZY I know.....  Her party was so much fun and I am so  glad we were invited!  Thank you for including us on her special day!! :)  Heather gave me a CD with all of Lucy's 1 year pictures.  It is something I will treasure forever and it meant so much to me!  She just keeps getting cuter and I am so glad I get to watch her grow!

Lucy,  I want you to know how much I love you!  I did what I did because of how much I love and care about you!  You have AMAZING parents and are loved by so many!!  I couldn't have found better parents to raise you.  You have an adorable little sister that I hope you become best friends with.  Not a day goes by that I don't think about you and pray for you.  I hope you always know how many people love you and that you were supposed to be in the Pack family! I can't believe that you are already 1!  Happy Birthday cute girl!!! I love you SO much!!

Love, Your Shay! :)

Devon and Graci

We have had a lot of weddings this year.  I never thought I would get married in the same year as my sister because we are 3 1/2 years apart, but her and Devon got married August 12, 2013.  It was an amazing wedding.  Her colors were all neutral colors like white, cream, and tan then she had different colors of flowers.  Her reception was on August 10th which was a Saturday and it was in the Galland's back yard.  They have an amazing back yard and the weather was perfect.  She got married on Monday early in the morning in the Salt Lake Temple, and after the sealing we ate in the Joseph Smith Memorial Building.  It all turned out perfect and they are perfect for each other.  We love Devon and the whole Galland family and we are so glad he is apart of our family.  I am so happy for my sister and glad she found such a great guy to spend eternity with!